Instructions and Guidelines for Authors
Enacted January 1, 2007
Revised January 1, 2010
Revised January 1, 2012
Revised January 1, 2019
Revised March 15, 2019
Revised February 13, 2020
Revised September 07, 2020
Revised March 15, 2021
1. Introduction
1) The paper published in The Korean Journal of Vision Science (KJVS) should be in the form of original articles, case reports, review articles and short communications, etc. related to optometry and vision science. Papers that do not belong to these categories are decided whether to publish by the editorial board.
2) Manuscripts submitted to the KJVS must be neither published nor under a review process in another journal.
3) Authors are responsible for the contents of their manuscript. When the manuscript is accepted and published in the KJVS, its copyrights belongs to the Korean Society of Vision Science and it cannot be published in another journal without permission of the editorial board of the KJVS.
2. Author Qualification and Submission
1) Except for manuscripts requested by the editorial board, the first author and the corresponding author of the manuscript submitted to the KJVS must be members of the Korean Society of Vision Science and must provide an ORCID for author’s real-name system.
2) Any manuscript for the KJVS must be written and submitted according to "4. Manuscript Guidelines" and Appendix 1 as determined by the editorial board.
3) The paper should be submitted by a way of the general or urgent submission by using the authors checklist to confirm that there is no abnormality with the authors' checklists, similarity test results, paper and copyright transfer agreement. General submission can be submitted at any time, and urgent submission are requested urgent payment by the Society if they want to submit earlier than usual.
4) The research ethics rules provided by the KJVS in relation to manuscript submission and publication should be complied.
3. Publication Process
1) Submitted manuscripts must be reviewed by more than three reviewers who are experts (peer review) in the field of the submitted manuscript.
2) Final acceptance of manuscripts is determined by the editorial board on the basis of the results of the review described in 3-1.
3) Publication date, volume number, issue number, publication order, pages, and publication format, are determined by the editorial board. The editorial board can ask authors to modify their manuscripts if needed.
4) The KJVS is printed quarterly (March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31) and additional printings can be requested by the editorial board as a special issue, additional issue, supplements, etc.
5) If the revised article is not completed within one year from the notified dates of the revised article to the author, it will be considered not to proceed with the publication and not return the fee for the review.
4. Gender Innovation Policy
The manuscript published in this paper shall faithfully comply with the guidelines recommended by the Gender Innovation Policy (
1) Cell or animal testing should describe the source, certification, and biological characteristics of cell lines or animals, and the results of research progress and gender differences, including the same positive in the target cell or animal. In addition, reasonable grounds should be provided when studying only with a single nature.
2) Clinical research shall be correctly described by distinguishing sex and gender in gender technology, and the research shall be conducted on subjects including men and women, and the results shall be analyzed and published. In addition, reasonable grounds should be provided when studying only with a single nature.
5-1 Manuscript Guidelines
1) All manuscripts submitted to the KJVS have to meet the requirements given below.
(1) Manuscripts must be written in Korean or English. A manuscript written in any other language must get the permission of the editorial board before publication.
(2) The page format of the manuscript must follow the instruction in Appendix 2.
(3) The manuscript must include the following items in the given sequence: title in English, authors and affiliations in English, abstracts in English, key words in English, main contents, references, tables and table descriptions, pictures (photos) and pictures (photos) explanation, and title in Korean, author and affiliation in Korean, abstract in Korean, key words in Korean.
(4) Title: The title of the manuscript must be simple, obvious, and consistent with the main contents. The usage of abbreviation must be suppressed. The length of the title in Korean is limited to 50 letters (including blanks) or 2 lines. The length of the title in English is limited to 20 words or 2 lines. Capitalize the first letter of every word in the title except for postpositions and prepositions. If subtitles are used together, a colon (:) is displayed at the end of the title, and only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.
(5) Author Names and Affiliations: Author names must be arranged in sequence according to the academic contribution to the main contents. The authors’ affiliations and positions at the time of research should be indicated.
(6) Abstract: The abstract must be independently written to contain the whole contents of manuscript. The length of the abstract in Korean is limited to
20 line, including blanks. The English abstract is limited to 25 lines.
(7) Key words: Two to five of the most essential words of the manuscript must be presented as the key words, and English words are written in alphabetical order and Korean words are also written in the same order as English.
(8) Waivers: When there is no Korean in the author list and the manuscript is written in English, the title, authors and affiliations, abstract, and key words in Korean, can be exempted.
(9) Table and Figure: Table, Table of Contents, Figure (photo), and Figure (photo) Captions: They must be written in English regardless of the manuscript's language.
Manuscripts should be written by including tables, figures, and photographs in the text, each numbered according to the order cited in the text. The table should start with "Table" and the title of the table should be summarized at the top of the table, without a period (.) The top and bottom horizontal lines of the table are 0.4 mm thick, and the values should be centered on the square (see example). If an abbreviation is used, the abbreviation must be a symbol (*, †, ‡, #, etc.) and described at the bottom of the table. Data units must be unified with a decimal point (eg, second decimal place, third decimal place). The figure (photo) is presented as "Fig.". The picture (photo) description is shown as the form of a sentence at the bottom of the figure, and a period (.) is attached at the end of the sentence.

(10) The abstract in Korean must be consistent with the abstract in English.
(11) Main contents: Items (Introduction, Object and Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion) classification should be made in the Roman alphabet written in Korean and English. The step-by-step numbers in the text are listed in order of I., 1., 1), ⑴, ①. In principle, the manuscript should be used in Korean, but if there is a possibility of confusion in the meaning transfer, the original word should be written in parentheses at the end of the Korean word (words and brackets are not spaced) and the original word should be used only for the first word of the text and omitted from the same word in the text.
When describing biological factors in gender, it is appropriate to use the term of sex and when describing identity, social or cultural factors, it is appropriate to use term of gender. In human studies, both terms of sex and gender can be used. In animal or cell experiments, the word ‘sex’ is mainly used, and when studies have been conducted with a bias towards a particular gender, the author should clearly state which criteria he has used to choose a particular gender (i.e. breast cancer and prostate cancer are only targeted at certain genders). In addition, the authors should specify how they selected the race or ethnicity of the subjects and clarify its validity.
(12) Acknowledgment or conflict of interest: The acknowledgment or conflict of interest can be placed between the conclusion and the references and must be written in English.
(13) References
① References in the manuscript should be sequenced in order. A superscript semi-bracket shoulder number is used at the end of the quotation, a comma is put in the sequence without spacing, and a hyphen (-) is used if there are three or more shoulder numbers.
② References must be written in English. If the number of authors is 1 or 2, all initials of first and second names are written. If the number of authors is three or more, only 2 are written, and the rest are marked “et al.”.
References are numbered in sequence of citation and presented as a superscription at the end of cited sentences in the main contents. When the superscription has more than two numbers, they are distinguished by commas. When the authors of references are referred to in the main contents, their surnames are written up to the second authors and “et al." must be used for the third and following authors.
③ Any references that were not cited in the main contents cannot be listed.
④ References are placed next to Discussion with the format as below, and DOI link must be written for a cited article that has been assigned a DOI.
Liang J, Kim KJ: Aberrations and retinal image quality of the normal human eye. Korean J Vis Sci. 14(11), 173-183, 2010.
예Periodical Academic Journals: author, title, journal title, volume number (issue number), page, year.(See Example)
The abbreviation of a journal title puts a period only at the end, do not put a period when the last is full name.
Example: Liang J, Kim KJ: Aberrations and retinal image quality of the
normal human eye. Korean J Vis Sci. 14(11), 173-183, 2010.
Example: Park YM, Park YK et al.: Effect of orthokeratology in patients with myopic regression after refractive surgery. Cont Lens Anterior Eye 39(2), 167-174, 2016.
- Books: author, book title, edition, city, publisher, cited pages, year. (See Example)
Example: McCartney P, Lennon J: Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology, 6th ed., Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, pp. 2102-2114, 2011.
- Patent: inventor, patent title, country, patent number, year. (See Example)
Example: Rooney W, Owen M: Football eyeglasses. US Patent,
5321000, 2000.
- Internet: title, author, bibliography, address, accessed dates. Author and bibliography can be omitted when they cannot be confirmed. (See Example)
Example: Cameron J: Titanic. 1998. Available at Accessed January 1, 2008.
- Thesis: author, title, institution, degree, cited pages, year. (See Example)
Example: Presley E: Love Me Tender. Tread Mill University PhD(MS) Thesis, pp. 53-67, 2015..
(14) Published or not, the submitted manuscripts are not returned to authors.
2) The original article must be written according to the instructions given below.
(1) Abstract : The abstract is divided to four sub-items: purpose, methods, results, and conclusion, which are presented in bold fonts. Every sub-item is written in a normal font with specific data.
(2) Main Contents: The main contents must describe all research details and be itemized as introduction (including aim of research), subject (materials) and methods, results, discussion, and conclusion, in sequence. If needed, some items can be united or omitted. Item Classification should be made in the Roman alphabet.
The technical terms related to vision science are written in English with reference to the optometry dictionary. Abbreviation is not allowed in the title and avoided in the text and abstract except for units. However, when acronyms are used as needed, the first abbreviation is written with all spelling, and then only abbreviations are used the following sentence. The name of the medicine, the product and the device applied in the method should be written with the name of the product, the manufacturer, the city, the state, and the country.
Example: Optical coherence tomography (Cirrus™ HD-OCT Model 400, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany)
The units comply with the International System (SI) and are spaced out except in the cases of slash(/), range(-), ratio(:), percentage (%), degree (°) and celsius (°C) (The space between the last number and the unit is 50%).
Example: 3/15, 20-30, 5:6, 50%, 50°, 36℃, 2kg, 30cm
3) The case report must be written according to the instructions given below.
(1) The case report should be written within 4 pages including tables, figures and references, or within 3 pages of published papers.
(2) Results of simple examination are not case reports. Case reports must belong to one of the below items with academic validation. .
① rare diseases or refractive errors
② symptoms very different from normal cases
③ a trial of a new diagnosis or treatment (correction) method
④ a first case in the region
⑤ unique symptoms in a specific area
(3) Abstract: The abstract is written without sub-items and limited to 500 letters (including blanks) in Korean or to 100 words in English.
(4) Main Contents: The main contents are itemized as introduction (including general background and meaning of case), cases, discussion, and conclusion in sequence. If needed, some items can be united or omitted.
(5) Reference: References should be written in 10 or more and 20 or less.
4) Rapid communication should be written as described below.
(1) It should be written in 10 pages of A4 size paper or 3 pages of published paper.
(2) As a quick presentation of new research results. it can not be categorized as original paper, but it is worth to present it.
(3) Abstract: The abstract can be written without subdivision of each subclause. Although subdivision is divided, each subclause can be freely decided by the author. Korean abstract should be less than 500 words including space, and English abstract should be less than 100 words.
(4) Main Contents: The order of form and item arrangement can be freely determined by the author.
(5) Reference: References should be written in 10 or more and 20 or less.
5) Review article must be written as described below.
(1) Review papers are written for an overview, a commentary and a prospect of a specific subject in the field of vision science, and written by experts in the field by the request of the editorial board.
(2) Abstract: The abstract can be written without subdivision of each subclause. Although subdivision is divided, each subclause can be freely decided by the author.
(3) Main Contents: Format and item sequence can be determined by authors.
5-2. Cost
The author will be responsible for the cost of publishing the paper. When an author wants printed copies of published manuscript, the author is responsible for additional publication costs for copies.
5-3. Similarity check
For all submitted manuscripts, ‘Similarity check program’ provided by KCI must be used to check similarity with previously published documents.
5-4. Copyright
1. The corresponding author must submit “Copyright transfer agreement” to the editorial board of the KSVS. The copyright of the manuscript is transferred to
2. After the copyright is transferred to the KSVS, whole contents of the article cannot be used in another publication, but the use of its some parts is acceptable. In this case, the ‘copyright consent’ should be applied to the editorial board of KSVS, and the fact (journal title, volume number, year, etc) must be stated in the publication.
6. Miscellaneous
On the basis of common sense and convention, the editorial board may make judgments on any subjects that are not described in these instructions and guidelines.
<Appendix 1> Where to Submit the Manuscript
The manuscript must be online-submitted through the homepage of the Korean Society of Vision Science (
<Appendix 2> Page Format of the Manuscript
The manuscript must be written on A4 paper (210 mm × 297 mm) in Hangul or MS word with 200% or 2 line spacing, 10 letter point, and 2.5 cm margins on all boundaries.