Amblyopia, commonly known as "lazy eye", is a developmental disorder in which best corrected visual acuity is decreased in one or(rarely) both eyes, and which is a consequence of abnormal visual experience during childhood,1,2) and its prevalence is approximately 1 to 5% of the normal population.3)
Amblyopia is generally classified by it associations such as with strabismus, anisometropia, high astigmatism, stimulus deprivation, and ametropia,4)and presents levels of severity in terms of reduced visual acuity. Anisometropic amblyopia refers to a difference between two eyes of at least 1.0 dioptre in spherical equivalent(SE) refraction without the presence of a squint or other amblyogenic factor. Strabismic amblyopia refers to heterotropia and microtropia without the presence of anisometropia or high refractive errors. Mixed amblyopia is defined when both anisometropia and strabismus exist.5) Stimulus deprivation amblyopia is caused by an obstruction to vision such as ptosis or cataract.2)Clinical studies reported that of these types of amblyopia, a third by anisometropia, a third by strabismus and a third by mixed type are the main causes of human amblyopia.6) In addition, these types of amblyopia also show distinctive features in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity compared to those with normal vision(Fig 1).
Abnormalities of visual function in amblyopia
Much is known about visual deficiencies associated with amblyopia reflected in impairment of visual function in terms of visual sensory and motor systems. Sensory deficits include: decreased visual acuity8) decreased high contrast resolution acuity in one or both eyes of amblyopes9-11) decreased contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies7,12-18) low contrast resolution acuity19) grating acuity7,15,20) monocular spatial distortion21-23) suppression8) decreased alignment sensitivity7,15,24-27) and decreased stereoacuity.2,28) In addition, motor deficits include: unsteady fixation1,29,30) eccentric fixation1,31) defective saccadic and pursuit movement32-37) defective accommodation38-41) accommodative convergence8,39) and eye-hand coordination.42-44)
Visual acuity
Decreased visual acuity is a critical element in the diagnosis of amblyopia.3) Letter visual acuity is usually measured by a standard Snellen chart45) or logMAR letter chart.46) Inmeasurement of visual acuity in amblyopic vision, Morad et al.47) compared the full chart and single line of letters. They suggestedthat amblyopic vision had better visual acuity with a single line due to the crowding effect which is refer to impairment of target visibility due to the presence of adjacent factors such as surrounding stimuli. Evidence suggested that crowding influences visual activities of reading in daily life caused by letter identification.48)
Contrast sensitivity
Spatial luminance contrast sensitivity refers to the ability of the visual system to distinguish a difference between grey levels, and is usually measured at specific spatial frequencies. Reduction in contrast sensitivity is a typical characteristic of amblyopia and observed in individuals with amblyopic vision, particularly at high spatial frequencies.49-51)
Abrahamsson and Sjostrand12) studied the loss of contrast sensitivity in different types of amblyopia and suggested that anisometropic amblyopia showed deficits in both visual acuity and contrast sensitivity whereas strabismic amblyopia had worse deficit in visual acuity than deficit in contrast sensitivity(Fig 1).
Following the first mention of abnormal accommodation in amblyopes by Abraham52 suggesting that slower and reduced amplitude of accommodation was observed in amblyopic eyes, a number of studies have found disorders of accommodation in amblyopic eyes such as inaccurate accommodative responses,40,41,53) particularly for chromatic targets,54) decrease in the accommodative controller gain(ACG),54,55)and increased depth of focus.39) This reduction of the accommodative response may be related to many factors such as abnormal fixational eye movements, defective contrast sensitivity and eccentric fixation,8,55)and may be a causative factor in anisometropic amblyopia.52,56) The non-amblyopic eye has been found to have normal accommodation.41,55)
Stereoacuity(Binocularity) and suppression
Cooper and Feldman28) found a decrease in stereoacuity in individuals with a high degree of strabismus with and without amblyopia, and suggested that strabismus may be the major element for the loss of binocularity. Consistent with this, Webber and Wood2)found that a lack of stereopsis was measured in most strabismic amblyopes despite recovery of visual acuity whereas some residual strereopsis was found in a number of anisometropic amblyopes.
Membreno et al.57)found a disruption of binocular input in amblyopia during the critical period for the development of binocularity, which is associated with early childhood strabismus, anisometropia or both,58) and rarely with degradation of image such as congenital cataract or corneal opacity.
Individuals with unilateral amblyopia were found to have a loss of binocular single vision59,60)and to have a greater reduction in stereoacuity than those with symmetric bilateral defocus. This is likely to be related to the interocular differences in visual quality.61,62)
Regardless of the type of amblyopia, improvement in stereopsis has been foundlinearly as amblyopic visual acuity is improved during amblyopia therapy.2,63)
Eccentric fixation
The amblyopic eye frequently cannot keep steady or foveal fixation under monocular conditions. Eccentric fixation is a phenomenon in which, when the amblyopic eye is fixating on an object, the object is imaged on a non-foveal point.64) In one study, eccentric fixation was observed in 22% of strabismic amblyopia, 0% of anisometropic amblyopia and 58% of mixed amblyopia(both strabismic and anisometropic).31) The presence of eccentric or unsteady fixation results in a decrease in visual acuity1,65) and the amount of eccentric fixation is related to the severity of amblyopia.66) In particular, the decrease in visual acuity is likely to related to unsteady central fixation in anisometropic amblyopia, and to eccentric fixation in strabismic amblyopia.1) Eccentricity of fixation has been shown to decrease during amblyopia therapy.1,45)
Eye movements
Much is known about oculomotor disorders in amblyopia generally such as saccadic intrusion, and version and vergence movements manifest.1,36) For example, saccadic intrusions in amblyopia are observed typically in strabismus and infrequently anisometropia.1)
Ciuffreda et al.67)stated that sensory processing and motor control of eyemovement might be affected by a consistently defocused or suppressed retinal image in one eye during an early developmental period, which contributed to functional amblyopia. Consistent with this, early studies have found abnormal fixation and movements in the amblyopic eye during fixation using electro-ophthalmography.29,30)
Stark et al.68)found increased saccadic latencies in amblyopic eyes using a photoelectric method to measure horizontal eye position. Ciuffreda et al.69) also discussed oculomotor disorders in amblyopia(increased saccadic latencies, increased drift and abnormal pursuit reduced accommodative vergence) and strabismus(nystagmus, saccadic intrusions, abnormal pursuit, abnormal optokinesis, abnormal vestibular response and absence of disparity vergence).
Schor70)found that eccentric fixation and decreased visual acuity in the amblyopic eye are associated with the amplitude and frequency of eye movements. In addition, a decrease in velocity sensitivity of tracking movements to nasal-ward retinal image motion of the amblyopic eyes was observed by infrared sensitive diodes. This could be related to the disorder of stabilization of an object image on the fovea for position and velocity, which influences the saccadic and pursuit movements in amblyopia. Ciuffreda et al.69)also suggested that visual acuity in amblyopia may be affected by increased drift but not by eye movement velocity.
Eye-hand coordination
A number of studies have demonstrated that depth perception deficits in amblyopia affect visually guided performances.42-44)Subjects with reduced or absent stereopsis for reasons other than amblyopia also show poor ability to complete visual-motor tasks such as bead-threading71) or grasping tasks72) compared with those with normal visual function.
Lagreze and Sireteanu22)studied two-dimensional spatial distortions in strabismic amblyopes viewing with the amblyopic eye. They found greater distortions and spatial uncertainty in the amblyopes compared to controls and anisometropic amblyopes. They suggested that the localization errors in strabismus under monocular conditions may result from disorders between visual and the motor cortical maps, rather than simply sensory localization errors.
Grant et al.42)reported deficts in movement execution in amblyopic adults and found that while initial reaching behaviour and grip shaping were almost normal, deficits in prolonged execution times and more errors in the final approach to the object were found compared to normals. Webber et al.44) explored deficits in fine motor skills in amblyopic children aged 8 to 10 years compared with visually normal children when using different types of task such as Visual Motor Control(VMC) andUpper Limb Speed and Dexterity(ULSD) items of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. Using multiple regression, they found that fine motor skill performance on both tests was significantly influenced by a history of strabismus, but not by level of binocular function. More recent work by Suttle et al.43) studied eye-hand coordination performance(reaching and grasping) in children and adults with amblyopia using a 3D motion-capture system compared to those with normal vision, and found that children with amblyopia showed poorer performance under both monocular and binocular viewing conditions, and that performance depended on binocularity. They emphasized from the finding that binocular vision is critical for eye-hand coordination.
As many studies suggested that as high-grade stereovision is required for optimal eye-hand coordination, the residualbinocularity in amblyopia may play an important role in supporting eye-hand coordination performance.44,71,73)
Other symptoms
In addition to decreased visual acuity and other visual abnormalities as mentioned earlier, a variety of deficits have been found in amblyopia such as separation difficulty,74) position uncertainty,75) and visual distortions of length, shape and direction.21-23) Strabismic amblyopia exhibits these disorders more than anisometropic amblyopia. For example, abnormalities linked to under-sampling at post-receptoral level,76-79) abnormalities in spatial localisation,26) and slower reading80) were found only in strabismic amblyopia. However, spatial distortions and temporal instability have been observed in both strabismic and anisometropic amblyopia.81,82)
Although individuals with amblyopia do not show a specific visual field deficit compared to those with normal vision, both those with strabismic and anisometropic amblyopic vision showed a general loss of field at the central 30 degrees when compared to the sound eye as screened with a Humphrey automated visual field tester.83)
Amblyopia treatments
Unilateral amblyopia(occurring in one eye) is conventionally treated by refractive correction and occlusion(by patching or penalization(atropine)) of the non-amblyopic eye.31)
The effective period for amblyopia treatment has been studied extensively. A number of studies reported no difference in effectiveness of occlusion treatment commenced at any time between 3 and 7 years of age,19,84-89)and treatment of this kind has generally been found to be effective in amblyopes aged younger than 5 years of age.90,91) However, Cobb et al.84) found an improvement in visual acuity in treated anisometropic amblyopes aged up to 12 years, and similarly PEDIG92) demonstrated visual acuity improvement during treatment in at least some amblyopes between the age of 7 and 17 years.
Refractive correction
Mitchell and Gingras93) noted the importance of refractive correction for amblyopia therapy. Cotter et al.94) demonstrated an improvement of 0.3 logMAR(three lines on a logMAR letter chart) in visual acuity in 83% of children with anisometropic amblyopia aged from 3 to 7 years with refractive correction only. Furthermore, other studies have found that visual acuity in strabismic amblyopic children aged from 3 to 7 years of age can be increased with only spectacles.95,96)
Occlusion, penalization and near visual activities
Occlusion(or patching) of the non-amblyopic eye was noted by de Buffon97) and is still the conventional treatment for unilateral amblyopia. Despite its availability over the centuries, shortcomings of occlusion treatment include disruption of schooling and social activities, lack of cooperation, limited improvement in binocularity and inconvenience of patching.2,98) For these reason, recently a number of randomised controlled studies have been conducted by the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group(PEDIG) to find out the most effective protocol for occlusion therapy.
PEDIG explored the effect of occlusion and penalization(e.g. atropine) treatments in children with anisometropic, strabismic or mixed amblyopia, and found similar improvement in visual acuity for children with moderate amblyopia aged 7 to 12 years of age between a regular single weekend atropine dose and two hours of daily patching of the non-amblyopic eye.99) PEDIG100)also suggested the benefit of atropine dose that visual acuity in children with severe amblyopia aged 3 to 12 years was much improved by the use of atropine only during weekend.
A number of studies have reported that near activities such as puzzles, writing or computer use may be combined with occlusion therapy to improve its effectiveness. In a pilot study by the PEDIG group, PEDIG101)compared two hours of daily patching combining with one hour of near visual activities and only wearing refractive correction in children with moderated to severe amblyopia aged 3 to 7 years of age, and reported that visual acuity was slightly improved by the application of a combination of two hours of daily patching and one hour of near visual activities. However, a larger study by PEDIG102) reported no difference in improvement of visual acuity between near and distance activities in children during patching in children with strabismic, anisometropc and mixed amblyopia regardless of the severity of amblyopia.
Although it was suggested by PEDIG102) that commonly near activities that stimulate accommodation did not improve the effect of occlusion, previous work by Renjie et al.103)suggested the possibility of the effectiveness of near activities with action video games in adults with amblyopia. This is an exciting treatment possibility since the treatment of amblyopia has been thought to be feasible only in children based on visual system plasticity during critical periods. They found that an improvement in the contrast sensitivity function(CSF) in the amblyopes after playing an action video game for 50 hours over 9 weeks. However, there are still limitations such as the proper gameselection for training and application of action games to children.
Other treatments
In addition to treatment of the amblyopic eye in isolation(with the non-amblyopic eye occluded or penalised), it has been suggested that binocular visual stimulation may be an important part of treatment, to ensure that binocularity(such as stereoacuity) is restored. For example, the Interactive Binocular Treatment(I-BiT) for amblyopia therapy98,104-106) aims to encourage the two eyes to work together by presenting some elements of a binocular stimulus to each eye, and some to both eyes. In this way, both eyes must be used in order to perceive the stimulus in full. This technique is computer based and has the potential to be more attractive to young children than conventional therapy, and higher compliance. They found significant improvement of 0.35 logMAR in both high and low contrast acuity in approximately half or more of subjects after this treatment, and also recent work found improvement of 0.125 logMAR units or more.105) However, the effect of I-BiT on the improvement in visual acuity is not strong as much as the effect of occlusion, and also it was limited due to small number of sample size.
Perceptual learning is a visual task in which visual function is improved following practice. Polat et al.107)found an improvement in contrast sensitivity and letter acuity following perceptual learning in adults with amblyopia, and suggested that a combination of perceptual learning and occlusion was effective for amblyopia therapy in adults. Chen et al.108) investigated the effect of perceptual learning on anisometropic amblyopic adults and children by comparison of only patching. They found that letter acuity was improved to a greater extent by occlusion alone than by shorter periods of perceptual learning plus occlusion, but the improvement was achieved in a shorter period of time.
Factors influencing final outcome with amblyopic treatment
Stewart et al.31) suggested two main factors affecting final treatment outcomes such as type of amblyopia, initial age, initialseverity of amblyopia, fixation and binocular vision status as condition factors, and refractive adaptation and occlusion(total dose time and dose rate per day) as treatment factors. Webber and Wood2)mentioned that these factors are also helpful in determining the prognosis of maintaining normal vision in amblyopic eye. Stewart et al.31) also suggested that eccentric fixation contributes to poorer final visual outcome in amblyopic vision.
Amblyopia results in not only simply decreased visual acuity, but also a number of deficits of visual function in terms of visual sensory and motor. Even if the decreased visual acuity is one of most important factors to identify amblyopia, previous studies have reported a number of deficits affecting other visual function. Therefore, it is worthy of screening all aspects of amblyopic deficits relevant to visual sensory and motor function, not simply measuring visual acuity, in order for more accurate identification of amblyopia abnormalitiesand the best result in amblyopia treatment.